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by Jana Stevenson January 28, 2025 2 min read

January's stone is GARNET.

One of the things about gemstones that I've always loved, is the symbolism and magic of them.  How wonderful to have a stone that represents something, and even better if it's representing YOU or someone you love!

Family birthstone rings are a great example of this.  Or using your partner's birthstone in an engagement ring or other personalized gift.  It's swoony every time.

January babes get GARNET as their birthstone and I've been recently obsessed with this juicy and decadent gemstone for months now.

It feels appropriate for these long dark nights of winter to be represented by a stone that holds the warms and fire of a slumbering star.  Deep red, luscious and vibrant, garnets symbolize vitality, passion and strength.  Perfect for this time of year.  A reminder that there is LIFE under the ice of our wintering.

I usually gravitate towards stones that lean more to cool tones (I love blues greys and aquas) but there is something about garnets that have been calling to me lately. 

It might be the depth of the colour, how rich and gothic they feel.  Working with the themes of spooky season for the last quarter of 2024 may have something to do with it as well!

This ring is an iteration of my Persephone design, something I've been stewing on since October of last year, and I'm so pleased with how she's turned out.  The garnet is the perfect representative of a pomegranate seed, and it's so gorgeous set in the yellow gold.

Perfect for the Queen of the Underworld.

(I'm also playing with the idea of this design being perfect for a vampire bride, and the garnet is a drop of her lover's blood.  Dark romance for the win!)
