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by Jana Stevenson August 18, 2024 3 min read

One thing that I love, is cheekiness.  Honestly, I'm absolutely here for anything that make me grin in one way or another.
Why the heck not?? 
As I've been shifting my mindset around how I work and what I want to make, I've been leaning more and more into just making what I'm feeling excited about.  I know that there are business proponents all over the internet shouting "STAY IN YOUR LANE!  You must NICHE DOWN." 
But that just feels so stifling. 
And I know this, because I've tried!  I've squeezed myself into shapes to fit into a business model that has never felt right, FOR YEARS.  I let myself believe the narrative that I have to only do one thing in order to be successful, that I can ONLY BE THIS or ONLY BE THAT and you know what. 
It's not for me.
Because no matter how hard I tried to tuck myself into that mold, I kept pushing against the edges, feeling uncomfortable, pulled tight and stretched thin.
(cue Frodo's bread and butter analogy here)
I am an artist.  I'm a jeweller and an illustrator and a writer and a seamstress (not a great one, but still) I'm a baker and a cook and a crafter.  I am many glittering, exciting things and I'm so tired of pushing parts of myself into dark corners to fit into a mold meant to make things easier for OTHER PEOPLE.
I remember overhearing someone grouse about me when I was a teenager... "Why does she have to be so weird?"  They were worried about me, their hearts in the right place I'm sure.  But I held on to that idea for really long time.  That there must be something wrong with me. (honestly I think I still harbor some tenderness around it, as we do)
But now I realize it's my superpower. 
Heck yeah I'm weird. 
Thank goodness!
So with cheekiness in mind, and the new permission I've bestowed upon myself to lean into what brings me delight, I've been tumbling headlong into illustrating more lately. (If you've read any of my books, the cheekiness really shines through over there, FYI.)  I illustrate all my cover art and absolutely love being able to bring my vision of these stories to life.  I've got some character art ideas stewing in my mind and I've been playing with Procreate and getting some new skills there under my belt.
I still mostly use it like I would draw with a pencil and paper, old dogs and new tricks if you will, but the more I play in there, the more fresh ideas pop into my head and more willingness to lean into it as a new medium and just see how it goes has been unfurling.  It's so much fun!
The first finished art prints I've added to the shop are these lovely witches...

My Other Ride is a series of three wyrd sisters swirling through a night sky on their broomsticks, stars in their hair and the moon kissing their skin. 
I absolutely ADORE how they came together and felt so much delight as I was working on them, I knew I was going to get them printed up.  I introduced them at the Artistree Festival at the end of July and people had lovely things to say and I was thrilled to sell some.  Knowing that other people find joy and delight in what I do feels amazing, and I'm so thankful that I'm able to work on what I love and spread that around.
These prints are now live in the shop for you too!  They are printed on 5 x 7" matte postcard stock with rounded corners.  Available as separate prints or together as a set.  You can find them in the new Art section in my main menu!
Am I already stewing on what I will draw up next?  You bet I am.  I've got some new jewellery samples on the go, a new book releasing in the fall, updates to the cover art and a series of art pieces planned (that I'm holding a little close to my heart until I finalize some grander details.)  I'm LOVING where my spark is taking me right now and I can't wait to share all the fun things I have planned.
So here is a toast to all of us out there leaning into our weird, our unconventional, our beautiful, strange and off-beat.  Let's keep lighting up the world with it.
I see you and I'm here for it!