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by Jana Stevenson August 02, 2024 3 min read

Being an artist and maker for twenty years (ahem, way longer... more like my whole life!) pretty much means that I am always stewing on something.  Since becoming a silversmith/goldsmith/jeweller a lot of that has been imagining pretty shiny things.
But I usually have a few creative projects on the go at any given time.
And since 2007, I have been tweaking and designing my display and branding for markets and events!  Over the years my market kit has evolved many times, and even now, every single time I do an event, I make a note of what I can do differently next time.  It's both really inspiring and fun to be always brainstorming new and beautiful ways to display my work.
Most recently, my market kit had needed an update to a full 10' square, as I committed to doing my first outdoor event with that much space to play with.  Usually an indoor event has an 8' x 4' footprint, so this was a lot of new space to occupy.
Which was a lot of fun, not gonna lie.(can we just take a minute to appreciate the modesty stickers... how flipping CUTE ARE THEY??  I couldn't resist.  I have no problem with nudity... but boobs can be polarizing and so this is my adorable solution.)
I didn't actually get many fully set up pictures last weekend... once I was all set up the market was in full swing and I got into Market Mode and honestly, completely forgot to take any more photos!)  Head on over to my instagram to see a video of the fully stocked booth! @magpieandember
But here are some tips that I've learned over the last 20 years of doing events and markets:
1. Consider height.  Anything that brings your product or art closer to the shopper's eye line will help.
2. Consistent display items.  Having all of your display items (racks, stands, signage etc) branded thematically will make your booth look concise and clean and more professional.  Having lots of different colours can be distracting from your product/art... so make sure that the thing you are selling is the thing that stands out.  All of my display pieces are stained a similar colour and I painted all of my jewellery stands to match my new branding colours so that they look sharp and cohesive... but also don't distract from the things I want shoppers to notice.
3. Create an inviting space.  One of the things that a dear friend and my long time booth buddy once said to me when we first started doing markets together, was to create a space that people want to step into.  And it's something that has shaped my kit over the years into what it is now.  For me, the vibe I want to invite is "witchy Ghibli inspired apothecary" So I use a lot of natural elements in my displays, an underlying whimsy to the decorations I bring and lots of greenery.  I want my set up to feel like stepping into a sweet, magical little shop that you are delighted by.
4. Clear branding.  Having clear and obvious signage is a great way to pull people into your space!  I had ordered a 6 foot standing banner for my kit... but I used the wrong file and the logo was slightly blurry.  So while I didn't have that set up last weekend, I printed off and framed my new logos so that I had something clear for shoppers to identify. 
(I will be ordering a 6 foot horizontal banner for upcoming fall and winter markets to hang behind me)
5. Be open to tweaking and changing as you go!  My current kit is the evolution of TWENTY YEARS.  I'm a bit obsessed with how it is right now, but I've made notes of how I can update it and make it even better for my indoor events coming up in the fall and winter.  I LOVE brainstorming and playing with what I've got on hand and dreaming up new ideas for the future!
6. PACK SNACKS and a lot of water.  Honestly, this is a big one.  Make sure that you bring enough fuel to keep you going all day.  Market days are long and you are often "on" the whole time.  So make sure that you have nutritious snacks available to keep your energy up.  Also consider snacks that you don't mind strangers watching you eat.  ;)
I can't wait to share more of this evolution as I continue to tweak my display and my offerings in the years to come!
The Magpie